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August 2016 Course Updates

By ProTrain

The following courses will be deactivated on August 31, 2016:

PTBUS1015 Fundamentals of Project Management
PTIT1061-10 Microsoft Access 2010 for Beginners
PTIT1117 VBA 2010 Programming
PTIT2006-CS6 Digital Art CS6
PTIT1082-10 Microsoft Visio 2010
PTIT1031 ColdFusion Introduction
PTIT1006-CS6 Adobe Illustrator CS6
PTIT1007-CS6 Adobe InDesign CS6
PTIT1038 CorelDraw Introduction
PTIT2008-CC Flash ActionScript CC
PTIT1044-CC Flash CC Introduction
PTIT1043-CS5 Flash CS5 for ActionScripting 3.0
PTIT1047 Game Programming with Flash
PTEDU1005 GED Math Review
PTIT1048 Get Started with Podcasting
PTIT1060-10 Microsoft Access 2010 Comprehensive
PTIT1068-10 Microsoft Excel 2010 for Professional Users
PTIT1079-10 Microsoft Project 2010 Comprehensive
PTIT1084-10 Microsoft Word 2010 for Beginners
PTIT1085-10 Microsoft Word 2010 for Professional Users
PTIT1114 UML Fundamentals
PTIT1126 XML Advanced
PTIT1001-X Adobe Acrobat X
PTIT1001-XI Adobe Acrobat XI
PTIT1008 Adobe LiveCycle Designer
PTIT2001-CS6 Adobe Photoshop CS6
PTIT1009-CS6 Adobe Premiere CS6
PTIT1025 C Programming Introduction
PTIT1041-CS6 Dreamweaver CS6 Introduction
PTIT1044-CS6 Flash CS6 Introduction
PTEDU1006 GED Reading Review
PTEDU1008 GED Science Review
PTEDU1009 GED Social Studies Review
PTEDU1010 GED Writing Review
PTIT1058-UB Linux Introduction - Ubuntu
PTIT1062-10 Microsoft Access 2010 for Professional Users
PTIT1066-10 Microsoft Excel 2010 Comprehensive
PTIT1067-10 Microsoft Excel 2010 for Beginners
PTIT1073-10 Microsoft Office 2010 for Beginners
PTIT1074-10 Microsoft Office 2010 for Professional Users
PTIT1072 Microsoft Office 2010 Upgrade
PTIT1080-10 Microsoft Project 2010 for Beginners
PTIT1078-10 Microsoft Project 2010 for Professional Users
PTIT1083-10 Microsoft Word 2010 Comprehensive
PTIT1102-CS6 Photoshop CS6 Introduction
PTEDU1015 Positive Parenting
PTIT2020 XML Foundations

Here were the updates from July 2016:

ProTrain is excited to announce the following courses are now available to our partners!

The Office 2016 courses are now available.   Schools that have previously offered 2013 have had the 2016 courses automatically added to their school sites.   Augusoft customers will need to do an import to see the courses for their Lumens sites.  The pricing is the same as the 2013 courses.

The new CompTIA A+ 901 / 902 courses are also available. Schools that have previously offered the 801/802 courses have the new courses added to their site automatically.  Lumens schools will have to perform an import to see these new courses.

If you need further information on these or any other programs or courses, online or our new In Classroom offerings, please contact Dr. Victoria Seeger at vsteeger@protrainedu.org. We value you as our partner and look continuing to support your programs.

Here were the updates from June 2016:

We’ve also updated the content for the following courses:


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