Looking at the labor market 10 years in the future gives us the information we can use for our students and clients in choosing a...

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By ProTrain On November 16, 2015

October 2015 Scholarship Winner

ProTrain is happy to announce that Dolly R Weekly- Hearn of Powder Springs, GA is the October 2015 winner of our Jump Start...

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Tags: News, Press Releases

You did it. You signed up for one of ProTrain’s career development programs, studied hard, and earned a new certification or...

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If you love working with animals, consider making it your new career as a veterinary assistant.

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Military spouses can qualify for thousands of dollars in scholarships toward their education to pursue licenses, certificates,...

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Tags: News, Featured

Healthcare is changing rapidly. Stay on top of industry developments and standards with a new certificate to advance your...

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Tags: Announcements, News

What if you could think like a hacker? With a 12-month, self-paced course online, you can.

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Take advantage of the USAF Vocational Tech Certification allocation - this is a ONE TIME ONLY program allowing a MAXIMUM of $4500...

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