Sanger Adult School serves a population of chronically under and unemployed residents in a high property and violent crime region...
Tags: ProTrain Connect
Tags: ProTrain Connect
Join the nation's top continuing education executives at the 7th Annual ALL NEW Continuing Education Training Institute (CETI),...
Tags: ProTrain Connect
The options surrounding social media tools can be overwhelming. Discover 10 tools that will make creating great social media...
Tags: ProTrain Connect
Tags: ProTrain Connect
ProTrain's newest product line - Connect LIVE. Online offers various courses in an online synchronous format. It combines the...
Tags: Featured, ProTrain Connect
With all the brouhaha about how to market to the Millennial demographic, a new study by Yahoo! has found that Generation X (those...
Tags: ProTrain Connect
ProTrain continues to try and direct your students who ask about financial aid or options to fund their training and...
Tags: ProTrain Connect
Email marketing has one of the highest Return on Investment (ROI) of any platform. In fact, according the Direct Mail...
Tags: ProTrain Connect
Congratulations to our top partners!
Tags: ProTrain Connect